Raising Up Passionately Devoted Worshippers and Workers of Jesus Christ
Holy Fire Ministry Training School is a unique interdenominational Bible School that meets in the heart of Brisbane City and focuses on training up a new generation (both young and old) of worshippers and workers of Jesus Christ. We began our journey in 2003 with a vision for a Bible School that keeps in step with God's Spirit and is firmly grounded in God's Word. Since then, we have trained many people to fulfill their God-given purpose.
This page will have all the information you need to apply to the school and register for our next semester. It also has has video, documents and links to help you discover more about what we offer.
Communicate Interest in our next semester
Here's a list of documents you need for our next semester
Registration Online Form for 2015 (Kingdom Unit)
Application (for new students)
Pastoral Recommendation (for new students)
Personal Recommendations (for new students)
The Holy Fire Story
Contact or Visit Us
Holy Fire Ministry Training School
Level 3, Suite 316/180 Queen St. Mall
Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
(07) 3107 2707
(The best days to drop-in or call are Wednesday & Friday)
Postal Address:
GPO BOX 2692
Brisbane QLD 4001
See also, our ENDORSEMENTS page.
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